Alcohol Poisoning and Overdose: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Written by Theresa Valenzky

& Medically Reviewed by Benjamin Caleb Williams, RN

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Last updated: 02/12/2025

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Last Updated - 02/12/2025

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Alcohol Poisoning: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency that kills six people in the U.S. each day. Also known as ethanol poisoning or alcohol overdose, alcohol poisoning is caused by using too much alcohol. This most often occurs while binge drinking, but it can also happen with heavy drinking or when a child gets into alcohol. Alcohol poisoning can also occur when medications or other substances increase the potency of alcohol.

What Is Alcohol Poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning, also known as alcohol overdose, is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when someone consumes more alcohol than their body can process. This leads to a dangerously high level of alcohol in the bloodstream, impairing critical bodily functions like breathing, heartbeat and temperature regulation. Although many people associate alcohol poisoning with parties, spring break or fraternity hazing events, it can happen any time someone drinks heavily in a short period. It often involves binge drinking, but alcohol poisoning can also develop gradually if a person continues to consume large quantities of alcohol without giving their body enough time to eliminate it.

Physiologically, once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it circulates throughout the body and affects every organ. The liver can process alcohol at a roughly constant rate—about one standard drink per hour for a healthy adult. If you consume more than your liver can metabolize, your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises. As your BAC goes up, so does your risk of experiencing severe symptoms, including vomiting, loss of consciousness, depressed breathing, and even death. Recognizing the signs of alcohol poisoning and knowing when to seek help can save lives.

Binge Drinking and Alcohol Toxicity

Binge drinking is a pattern of alcohol consumption that brings a person’s BAC to 0.08 g/dL or above in a short time frame. In the United States, this is typically defined as consuming four or more drinks for women or five or more drinks for men in about two hours. Binge drinking creates a high risk of alcohol poisoning because it pushes your body’s capacity to eliminate alcohol to its limits. This sudden flood of alcohol can overwhelm the liver’s ability to metabolize it, leading to a rapid rise in BAC.

People who engage in binge drinking often misjudge how drunk they are, believing they can “handle it.” This miscalculation can be dangerous. Once someone starts to show early signs of intoxication—like slurred speech or impaired coordination—they may be more susceptible to consuming even more alcohol. Because alcohol can temporarily lower inhibitions, the individual may keep drinking despite warning signs, which accelerates the risk of alcohol poisoning. Moreover, certain factors like drinking on an empty stomach, mixing alcohol with other drugs, or having preexisting health conditions can amplify the toxic effects of binge drinking.

What BAC Causes Alcohol Poisoning?

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a common measure of how much alcohol is in your bloodstream. It’s expressed as a percentage in grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. For example, a BAC of 0.08 means 0.08% of your blood, by volume, is alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning typically occurs at BAC levels of 0.30 g/dL or above, though symptoms can appear at lower concentrations, depending on individual factors like tolerance, metabolic rate, body weight and overall health. Here’s a rough guide to how BAC levels correlate with impairment:

  • 0.02–0.06 BAC: Mild relaxation, slight mood elevation, minor impairment of judgment.
  • 0.07–0.10 BAC: Legal intoxication in most states (0.08). Impaired balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing.
  • 0.11–0.20 BAC: Increased cognitive and motor impairment. Speech may be slurred, and reflexes slow.
  • 0.21–0.29 BAC: Serious impairment in motor skills, memory blackouts possible, confusion, disorientation.
  • 0.30–0.39 BAC: Risk of passing out, coma, or serious health complications. This range is often associated with alcohol poisoning.
  • 0.40 and above: Coma is likely, and death can occur due to respiratory failure or cardiac arrest.

Everyone’s tolerance varies, so two people who have the same BAC might experience different levels of impairment. However, any BAC nearing 0.30 or higher is extremely risky and can be life-threatening.

How Much Alcohol Can Kill You?

Over 2,200 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Additionally, many more people have lasting long-term effects from alcohol poisoning, such as brain damage or injuries that occur while overdosing on alcohol. Alcohol poisoning can also play a role in overdosing on other substances, such as opioids.

Determining a lethal amount of alcohol is complex because of individual differences. However, researchers often point to a BAC of around 0.40 g/dL as potentially fatal for many people. At this level, alcohol suppresses the part of the brain that controls basic life-support functions like breathing and heart rate.

There is no exact formula for how many drinks reach this dangerous threshold because factors like age, body mass, liver function, and metabolism all play roles. Yet generally, drinking excessively in a short time to reach a BAC of around 0.40 could translate to consuming anywhere from 12 to 20 standard drinks for an average adult. If someone is smaller in size, has lower tolerance, or drinks on an empty stomach, the lethal dose could be substantially less.

It’s crucial to remember that alcohol overdose can happen at lower consumption levels if someone’s body cannot handle the amount of alcohol consumed quickly. Even if the total intake doesn’t reach a typical “lethal dose,” complications like vomiting, choking, dehydration, seizures or accidents can be fatal.

Risk Factors for Alcohol Poisoning

While alcohol poisoning can happen to anyone who drinks excessive amounts, certain factors can significantly increase the risk:

  • Age and Body Weight
    • Younger people, especially teens and those in their early 20s, may not fully understand their tolerance levels and engage in binge drinking.
    • A person with lower body weight has a higher BAC after consuming the same amount of alcohol as someone heavier.
  • Gender
    • Women generally have a higher BAC than men who consume the same amount of alcohol because they tend to have less body water and different hormone levels that can affect alcohol metabolism.
  • Drinking Speed
    • Consuming large amounts of alcohol quickly (e.g., shots) overwhelms the liver’s ability to process alcohol safely.
  • Empty Stomach
    • Food slows the absorption of alcohol. Drinking on an empty stomach leads to a faster rise in BAC.
  • Mixing Alcohol With Other Substances
    • Combining alcohol with prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, or illicit drugs can intensify alcohol’s effects.
    • Sedatives and opioids are especially dangerous when taken with alcohol, as they can significantly depress breathing.
  • Previous Health Conditions
    • Conditions like diabetes, liver disease, or an irregular heartbeat may worsen alcohol’s toxic effects and increase overdose risk.
  • Tolerance
    • People who drink heavily over a long period might develop a higher tolerance, leading them to consume larger quantities of alcohol. However, tolerance does not protect against toxic levels of alcohol; it only delays the symptoms. By the time severe symptoms appear, the person’s BAC may be dangerously high.

What To Do for Alcohol Poisoning

If someone you know is showing signs of alcohol poisoning, call 911 and stay with them until help arrives. While it may be difficult to tell whether someone is drunk enough to warrant help, it’s best to take every precaution.

After you call 911:

  • Be prepared to provide information like what kind of alcohol they drank, when they started drinking and if any drugs were used.
  • Never leave the person to “sleep it off.” On the contrary, you want to keep the person awake until help arrives.
  • Don’t leave them alone, especially if they’re unconscious. Because alcohol poisoning affects the gag reflex, they may choke on their own vomit and not be able to breathe. While waiting for help, never try to make the person vomit.
  • If they’re already vomiting, try to keep them sitting up. If they must lie down, make sure they’re on their side. This helps prevent choking.
  • Keep them warm with a blanket.

Young people often worry they will get in trouble for underage drinking if they call for help. The good news is that many areas have what are known as “Good Samaritan” immunity laws. These laws protect callers and victims involved in an overdose situation from being arrested or prosecuted.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning causes serious depression of the neurological system’s normal function. This can lead to several symptoms that can cause serious harm. Signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting that could be bloody
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Slurred speech
  • Bleeding from the mouth or rectum
  • Decreased consciousness
  • Unsteady walking
  • Inability to cough or clear airway
  • Decreased or absent breathing
  • Coma

If you or someone you are with may be experiencing signs of alcohol poisoning, immediately call 911 and seek emergency medical care. Alcohol poisoning can be fatal if not treated correctly, and the earlier you seek treatment, the better the chance of survival will be.

Is Passing Out a Sign of Alcohol Overdose?

Yes. Passing out is one of the most common signs that a person’s body has reached its limit. When someone loses consciousness from drinking too much, it could mean their BAC has risen to dangerously high levels. Even if they appear to be sleeping, their unconscious state puts them at risk for choking on vomit, respiratory failure, or other complications.

It’s a common myth that letting someone “sleep it off” is safe. In reality, you have no way of knowing how high their BAC might continue to climb. Alcohol levels in the blood can rise even after the last drink, as the gastrointestinal tract continues to absorb alcohol that was already consumed. If someone passes out from drinking, they need close monitoring and, in many cases, medical intervention. If you can’t wake the person or they exhibit slowed or erratic breathing, call emergency services immediately.

How Do You Get Alcohol Poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning occurs from ingesting too much alcohol. While overdrinking is the main cause of alcohol poisoning, other factors can increase your risks. For example, someone who is less able to metabolize alcohol will have more alcohol buildup in their bloodstream, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning. This could include individuals with liver problems, older adults and those taking certain medications.

Children who get into alcohol are at a higher risk of alcohol poisoning, as a smaller amount of alcohol can have a greater effect. Those who use alcohol heavily may have a greater tolerance for alcohol, reducing their risk. However, this increases their risk after a period of sobriety because using a similar amount of alcohol after tolerance is lost can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning.

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?

Alcohol poisoning itself does not last long. Your BAC is reduced by 0.015 per hour, meaning that a dangerously high BAC will almost always be reduced to a safe level within 24 hours. The effects of alcohol poisoning, however, can last much longer. For example, brain damage caused by lack of oxygen can be permanent even though the BAC returns to normal and alcohol poisoning completely resolves.

Alcohol Poisoning Treatment

In a hospital setting, treatment of alcohol poisoning usually involves treating the symptoms it causes. Alcohol poisoning cannot be easily reversed, so the alcohol is typically allowed to be metabolized by the body. In severe cases, dialysis could be used to remove alcohol from the bloodstream.

Alcohol poisoning treatment may include life support machines that breathe for those who are not able to breathe for themselves. Medications can be given to reduce vomiting, and other treatments can be used to control internal bleeding.

How To Treat Alcohol Poisoning at Home

People typically try to treat alcohol poisoning at home because they are afraid of others finding out that they have been drinking. Treating alcohol poisoning at home increases the risk of death and is never advised. While others finding out about alcohol use could be embarrassing, this embarrassment pales in comparison to the distress that a death would cause.

You should never treat alcohol poisoning by yourself — always call 911 as soon as alcohol poisoning is suspected.

Alcohol Poisoning Medical Procedure

Treatment for alcohol poisoning centers on stabilizing vital functions and preventing further damage. In a hospital setting, medical professionals may:

  • Administer Oxygen: To help support breathing if it is dangerously slow or irregular.
  • Provide IV Fluids: To combat dehydration and stabilize electrolyte imbalances.
  • Monitor Heart Rate and Vital Signs: Continuous monitoring ensures that any sudden changes in vital functions are quickly addressed.
  • Perform Blood Tests: To check alcohol levels, glucose levels and other potential drug interactions or metabolic disturbances.
  • Intubate if Necessary: In severe cases, a breathing tube may be inserted to protect the airway and support respiration.
  • Manage Complications: If the person develops seizures or cardiac irregularities, additional treatments will be provided accordingly.

Is There Medication for Alcohol Poisoning?

There are no medications specifically used to treat alcohol poisoning. Rather, medications are given to help reduce the effects of symptoms that occur. Medications are almost always given through an IV, as taking medications by mouth can cause choking in someone experiencing alcohol poisoning.

When to Go to the Hospital for Alcohol Poisoning

Anytime you suspect that someone might have alcohol poisoning, it’s better to err on the side of caution and seek professional help. However, here are some clear indicators that a hospital visit or emergency medical care is necessary:

  • The person is unconscious and cannot be awakened.
  • They’re vomiting uncontrollably or have vomited and lost consciousness.
  • Their skin is cold, clammy, or has a bluish tint.
  • They exhibit slow or irregular breathing.
  • They experience seizures.
  • Their heart rate is either extremely fast or very slow.
  • They are not able to speak or move in a coordinated manner.

Can the Stomach be Pumped for Alcohol?

Gastric lavage, often referred to as “stomach pumping,” was once a common treatment in cases of drug or alcohol overdose. However, its use has become less frequent because research suggests it offers limited benefit if performed more than an hour after ingestion, and it also carries its own risks. In practice today:

  • Stomach pumping may sometimes be used if the person has recently consumed a toxic amount of alcohol (within about an hour), and there’s a risk of more alcohol being absorbed from the stomach.
  • Activated charcoal is sometimes used to absorb certain drugs, but it’s not consistently effective for alcohol because alcohol is absorbed too rapidly into the bloodstream.

The mainstay of treatment remains supportive measures, such as ensuring the person’s airway is open, and that they remain hydrated and stable.

How Many Days Does it Take to Recover from Alcohol Overdose?

Recovery time varies depending on several factors:

  • Amount of Alcohol Consumed: A higher BAC may mean a longer recovery period.
  • Individual Health: A person’s liver function, metabolism, and overall health all influence how quickly they recover.
  • Aftercare: Adequate hydration, nutrition, and rest can speed up recovery.

In most cases, it takes the body one to two days to fully metabolize and recover from an acute alcohol overdose, although lingering fatigue, headache, and malaise can last longer. For someone with chronic heavy alcohol use, recovery can be more complicated, especially if liver damage or other organ issues are present. In some instances, an alcohol overdose can lead to permanent health consequences, including brain damage from lack of oxygen or severe dehydration.

How To Prevent Alcohol Poisoning

The only way to prevent alcohol poisoning is to avoid using too much alcohol. Avoiding binge drinking can especially help to reduce this risk. Other things that can help to reduce the risk of alcohol poisoning include:

  • Avoid mixing alcohol and medications or drugs.
  • Ask your doctor about whether your health will impact how your body metabolizes alcohol.
  • Use alcoholic beverages that contain lower amounts of alcohol and avoid high-proof drinks.

You can also reduce the risk of accidental alcohol poisoning by storing alcohol where it cannot be accessed by children.

Statistics on Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is more common than many realize, and it has significant public health implications:

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 2,000 alcohol poisoning deaths occur each year in the United States—an average of about six deaths every day.
  • Among those who die from alcohol poisoning, roughly three in four are men.
  • Binge drinking is a critical risk factor. More than 90% of excessive alcohol consumption among U.S. adults is tied to binge drinking episodes.
  • Younger adults (ages 20–34) have the highest rates of emergency department visits related to alcohol misuse, although older adults are not immune.
  • College students are particularly prone to binge drinking. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) notes that about 1,519 college students aged 18-24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries each year.
  • Alcohol overdose can be deadly even for those who do not exhibit chronic heavy drinking habits. A single event of high-intensity drinking can lead to fatal outcomes.

These numbers highlight the seriousness of alcohol poisoning and the importance of education, prevention and early intervention.

Getting Help for Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol addiction treatment is one of the most effective ways to overcome addiction and reduce your risk of alcohol poisoning. The treatment process typically involves two main steps. The first is detox: the process of allowing your body to eliminate alcohol from its system. This can take seven to 10 days and is the time when withdrawal symptoms will occur.

The second step is rehab, which involves learning new coping strategies building a foundation for long-term success in recovery. These treatment approaches can take place in an inpatient setting or on an outpatient basis, depending on the severity of the addiction. After treatment is complete, aftercare programs can help you maintain your recovery throughout the future.

The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake provides a full continuum of care for those struggling with alcohol addiction. Located among the beautiful mountains of Colorado, our professional rehab facility provides an ideal environment in which healing and lasting recovery from addiction can begin. Contact us today to learn more about how our addiction treatment programs can put you on the path toward a healthier, alcohol-free future.
